Company in fairs and exhibitions
With this guide I want to explain you how to participate in fairs and exhibitions, what the benefits and risks are, and how to get the most out of this event format for your brands and businesses.
The key to success is very simple: organization. In this article I will share with you my experience, as well as some key tips you may need to organize your own event.
Nowadays many brands, companies and organizations participate daily in fairs, bazaars and social, cultural and business exhibitions, among others. Let’s start by defining about fairs and exhibitions.
What is a fair?
A fair is a social, cultural, economic event, among others. The fair can be fixed or established, temporary, periodic or annual, this depends a lot on the objective of the organizer or organizers. Fairs are held in one location and depending on the type of fair, may cover a theme, area or purpose.
Types of fairs
Nowadays, depending on the location and the country, the term fair can mean different things, such as
- Religious event.
- Festivity of international, national, regional, provincial or local character.
- An amusement park.
- A handicraft fair.
- Book fair.
What is exposure?
An exhibition is an event, which is generally suitable for any general public. Depending on the theme of the exhibition; different objects are displayed such as: works of art, archaeological pieces, models, scientific experiments, among others.
Types of exhibitions
Depending on the theme, area or purpose you want to focus on in the exhibition, they can be classified as follows:
- Symbolic, has a purpose to glorify religion and politics, where it helps to give greater value to the objective obtained.
- Commercial, has the purpose of selling and presenting the products or services offered by the brands.
- Documentary, the purpose is of informational or scientific value, showing the discoveries, creations and any institution that develops an exhibition for the dissemination of knowledge.
- Aesthetic, showing content or artistic pieces of works and objects.
Benefits of fairs and exhibitions
Meet new customers.
Fairs and exhibitions allow you to have direct contact with potential customers for a short time. This helps to further increase the possibility of showing your products and differentiating you from the rest.
Expand your networking or contact network.
It allows you to increase and obtain more personal and commercial contacts. The scope of the event is ideal to get suppliers, startups, vendors, industry specialists, among others. You can get international allies from different countries and thus expand your presence and position the brand. All this in the same place.
More people know the products you offer
It is a great opportunity to interact, discover new customers and market segment and generate new contacts for the brand.
You can show your product live on the operation and benefits
It allows you to have your showcase with all the products and services offered by the brand, to all consumers and potential investors who want to invest in the company you represent. By having a stand at the fair, you can show the product or service live and real.
In this way Depending on the objective of the brand, many companies take advantage of these great events to make formal launches of a new version or a new product. In this way, they take advantage of the presence of the large number of people attending the event and the press and communication media.
It’s a more segmented audience
People who attend the fair and exhibition are interested in the subject, so you should take advantage of selling and showing the best of your products at these face-to-face events.
It gives you more presence, by participating in recognized events
If you participate in recognized fairs and exhibitions, it will give you more presence in the market and improve your business image.
It allows you to have a better knowledge of consumers
It allows you to analyze, study and know more about your brand’s consumers, through suggestions, expressions and comments within the fair or exhibition.
Strengthen links with consumers
Within the fair or exhibition, it usually allows to strengthen the direct contact with the clients, reinforcing the commercial relations, besides offering new promotions, offers and agreements.
It allows you to understand the sector or area you want to address and thus understand more the business you want to develop
Participating in fairs and exhibitions helps you to study the market in general, not only to know the needs of consumers but to know when and where is the right time to attack and position the brand.